The holy prophets performed miracles as a One of the first and most important principles of the interpretation of the Holy Qur’, an is the issue of the sanctity of the Holy Qur’, an. The meaning of the holiness of the Qur'an is that the Qur'an (both in word and meaning) is from God. And human beings and other creatures, including jinn, angels, etc., have no involvement in its creation. Therefore, this Qur'an is holy, so it is pure and completely true, and unlike the unholy texts, it cannot be criticized or damaged. When it is said that the Holy Qur'an is sacred both in word and meaning, this statement implies three characteristics of the Holy Qur'an: the divinity of the words of the Holy Qur'an, the soundness of the text, and its wisdom. In this article, the discussion of the divinity of the words of the Holy Qur’, an has been examined and an attempt has been made to prove by quoting the verses of the Holy Qur’, an that both the words and meanings of Qur’, an are from God and it is not human but it is divine.